Roberta Durham Faculty Profile
Roberta Durham
Department of Nursing
- E-mail:
- Phone: (510) 885-4770
- Office: SC-N 225
- Vitae: View my CV
- BS Nursing; University of Rhode Island
- MS Nursing; UC San Francisco
- PhD Nursing; UC San Francisco
Not teaching this semester.
2010 Durham, R. (2010). Overcoming Pregnancy Discomforts. Healthy Mom & Baby. (3) 32,; Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses. Washington, DC.
2010 Chapman, L. & Durham, R. (2010) Maternal Newborn Nursing: Critical Components of Maternity Nursing. Philadelphia, FA Davis.
2010 Durham, R. (2010) Bath Time for Baby. Healthy Mom & Baby. (1); Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses. Washington, DC.
2010 Durham, R. (2010) Are You at Risk for Preeclampsia? Healthy Mom & Baby. (2) 36, Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses. Washington, DC.
2007 Jentsch, B., Durham, R., Hundley, V., Hussein, J. (2007) Creating Consumer Satisfaction in Maternity Care: The neglected needs of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 31, 128-134.
2002 Durham, R. (2002) Women, Work and Midwifery. In R.Mander & V. Flemming (Eds). Failure to Progress, London, Routledge.
Goodman, D., Durham, R., Easterling, P. (2002). Continuum of Care Approach to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Care Management. 8, (3) 31-36.
Durham, R. (1999). Commentary on: An Investigation of Women’s Involvement in the Decision to Deliver by Caesarean Section. APN SCAN, 29, 4-5
Durham, R. (1999). Negotiating Activity Restriction: A grounded theory of home management of preterm labor. Qualitative Health Research, 9, 493-503.
1998 Durham, R. (1998). Strategies women engage in when managing preterm labor at home. Journal of Perinatology, 18, 61-64.
1997 Swanson, J., Durham, R., & Allbright, J. (1997). Clinical utilization/ application of qualitative research. In J. Morse (Ed.), Completing a Qualitative Project: Details and Dialogue, 253-282, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
1996 Kools, S., McCarthy, M., Durham, R, & Robrecht, L. (1996). "Dimensional analysis: Broadening the conception of grounded theory. Qualitative Health Research, 6, 312-330.
1994 Durham, R. (1994). Management of preterm labor: Perinatal nursing at home. Periscope: Journal of California Perinatal Association, 6 2-7.
1994 Durham, R. (1994). Management of preterm labor: A review of treatment options. Perinatal Profile. 1-10.
1986 Durham, R. (1986). (Special Contributor). Preterm labor. In J. Neeson & K. May. Comprehensive Maternity Nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott.
2010 “Innovations in Teaching Maternity Nursing.” Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity Poster Exhibit. 911±¬ÁÏÍø, East Bay. Hayward, California.
2006 “Teaching Evidenced Based Practice.” Thrive with Research and Evidence Based Practice Conference, Oakland, California.
2005 “Disparities in Health Outcomes for Minorities. A U.S. perspective.” Dugal Baird Centre for Women’s Health Research, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.
2005 “United States Disparities in Health Outcomes for Migrants and Minorities.” National Centre for Migration Studies, Sabhal Mòr Ostlag, Isle of Skye, Scotland.
2004 “Increasing Advance Practice Nurses Cultural Competency: A Costa Rica Experience.” ICN Nurse Practitioner Conference. Groningen, the Netherlands.
2000 “Building Substantive Theory Using Qualitative Methods.” Paper presented at Royal College of Nursing Research Conference, Manchester, England.
“Going Global: Conducting International Research” Paper presented at Health Science Symposium, Samuel Merritt University, Oakland, CA
2000 “Building a Program of Research Utilizing Qualitative Methods.” Paper presented at School Seminar Series, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.
2000 “Developing a Program of Qualitative Research.” Paper presented at School Seminar Programme, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland.
2000 “Substantive Theory Development.” Paper presented at Research Programme Series, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.
2000 “Prevention of Prematurity.” Paper presented at Research Series, Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland.
1999 Qualitative Research Seminar Series. Papers presented at Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital, Glasgow, Scotland.
1998 “The influence of context on two divergent groups managing preterm labor at home.” Paper presented at International Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.
1997 "Home Alone: African American women managing preterm labor at home." Paper presented at Women’s Health Issues, A Global Nursing Perspective, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands.
1997 "Those at Highest Risk: The context in which low income African American women manage preterm labor at home." Paper presented at International Council of Nurses, 21st Quadrennial Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia.
1996 "Home Alone: African American women managing preterm labor at home.” Paper presented at International Qualitative Health Research Conference, Bournemouth, England.
1996 "Challenges managing preterm with very vulnerable groups." Paper presented at National AWHONN Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
1995 "Those at Highest Risk: How African American women manage preterm labor at home. Poster presented at the National Perinatal Association, Washington, DC.
1995 "Preterm Labor: Prevention & treatment, clinical and community interventions." Paper presented at the Council for Perinatal Health, Contra Costa County, CA.
1994 "Preterm birth update.” Paper presented at the United States Virgin Islands District Nurses Meeting, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands.
1994 "Strategies for managing preterm labor at home." Poster presentation at the Perinatal Home Care Conference, Baltimore, MD.
1994 Sigma Theta Tau Bay Area Research Meeting, leader perinatal research round table discussion, San Francisco, CA.
1994 "Conditions for alcohol and illicit drug use in young adults with genital herpes." Paper presented, co-authored with Dr. Jan Swanson, at the International Qualitative Health Research Conference, Hershey, PA.
1994 "Strategies for managing preterm labor at home." Paper presented at the International Qualitative Health Research Conference, Hershey, PA.
1993 "Prevention of preterm birth, home management of preterm labor." Paper presented at the International Council of Community Health Nursing Research, Edmonton, Canada.
1993 "Home management of preterm care." Paper presented at the American Nurses Association: Council of Nurse Researchers, Washington, DC.
1993 "Negotiating restrictions." Invited paper presented, AWHONN District IV Meeting, Concord, CA.
1993 "Home management of preterm labor." Poster presentation at the Mead Johnson Nutritionals/Sigma Theta Tau Perinatal Nursing Research Forum, perinatal scholar, Santa Fe, NM.
1993 “Home management of preterm labor.” Poster presentation at the AWHONN Northern California Section Conference, San Rafael, CA.
1993 “Home management of preterm labor: Nursing issues.” Paper presented at Nursing Grand Rounds, Summit Medical Center, Oakland, CA.
1991 “Home management of preterm labor – Preliminary analysis,” paper presented at the Noon Research Series, Department of Family Health Care Nursing, University of California, San Francisco, CA.
1991 “Social support aspects of home management of preterm.” Paper presented at the Social Support Research Interest Group, University of California, San Francisco, CA.
1990 “Placental abnormalities.” Lecture, Department of Family Health Care Nursing, University of California, San Francisco, CA.
1989 “Obstetrical emergency.” Paper presented at the Perinatal Outreach Conference, San Luis Obispo, CA.
1986 “Preterm birth prevention – risk technology,” Paper presented at the Perinatal Outreach Conference, San Luis Obispo, CA.
1986 “Preterm birth prevention – new technology.” Paper presented at the Perinatal Outreach Conference, Monterey, CA.
1985 “Refocusing toward holistic care of the high risk perinatal family.” Paper presented at the Perinatal Outreach Conference, San Francisco, CA.
1984 “Birthing options – 84.” Paper presented at the Perinatal Outreach Conference, San Francisco, CA.
In development Economic Social Research Council. “Migrants and maternity care in the UK and USA – Providing women centered services.” Jentsch, B., Hundley, V., Durham, R., Hussein, J.
2010-2011 “Improving Health Outcomes for Families in Rural Panama” Durham, R (PI), Van Hofwegan, l. (Co-investigator). Sigma Theta Tau International, NuXi Chapter (2,500)
1999-2002 Samuel Merritt University, Faculty Research Development Grant, “Preterm Birth Prevention in Scotland.” ($1500)
1998-1999 Samuel Merritt University, Faculty Research Development Grant, “Dissemination of dimensional analysis method.” ($700)
1997-1998 Quincy Foundation for Medical Research,” Social support and preterm birth prevention.” ($1,000)
1997 Samuel Merritt University, Curriculum Innovation Grant. Interdisciplinary Case Management ($1,400)
1995 Picker/Common Wealth Scholars Program, "Patient’s experiences with care providers when managing preterm labor at home." (Not funded)
1995 Samuel Merritt University, Faculty Research Development Grant, "Patient’s experiences with care providers when managing preterm labor at home." ($1,200)
1994-1995 Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Eat Chapter Research Grant, "Those at highest risk: How African American women manage preterm labor at home." ($700)
1994-1995 Sigma Theta Tau International, Small Grant Research Award, "Those at highest risk: How African American women manage preterm labor at home." ($2,950)
1994 Samuel Merritt University Faculty Research Development Grant, "Those at highest risk: How African American women manage preterm labor at home." ($1,200)
1993-1994 Samuel Merritt University Faculty Research Development Grant for pilot project, "Those at highest risk: How African American women manage preterm labor at home." ($1,200)
2010 Sigma Theta Tau International, NuXi Chapter, Research Grant
2007-2008 911±¬ÁÏÍø, East Bay Faculty Research Grant
2005-2006 Samuel Merritt University Professor Alumnus
2005-2006 Samuel Merritt University Faculty Research Development Grant
2004-2005 Samuel Merritt University Curriculum Innovation Grant
2002-2004 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society Distinguished Lecturer
2001-2002 Samuel Merritt University Strommen Dillashaw Award
2000-2001 Samuel Merritt University Faculty Research Development Grant
1999-2000 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society Chiron International Fellow
1999-2000 Samuel Merritt University Faculty Sabbatical Award
1999-2000 Samuel Merritt University Faculty Research Development Grant
1998-1999 Samuel Merritt University Faculty Research Development Grant
1997-1998 Samuel Merritt University Curriculum Innovation Grant
1997-1998 Quincy Foundation for Medical Research Health Care Policy Fellow
1995-1996 Samuel Merritt University Faculty Research Development Grant
1994 Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Eta Chapter, Research Grant
1994 Sigma Theta Tau International Small Grant Research Award
1994-1995 Samuel Merritt University Faculty Research Development Grant
1993-1994 Samuel Merritt University Faculty Research Development Grant
1993 Sigma Theta Tau/Mead Johnson Nutritionals Perinatal Research Program
1990 University of California, San Francisco Century Club Award
1990 University of California, San Francisco Graduate Division Research Award
1986 Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society