Bridget Ford (2006)
Professor and Department Chair
B.A., Barnard College, Columbia University, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Professor Ford's research brings the insights of cultural history to the study of the Civil War era in the United States. Her book,Bonds of Union: Religion, Race, and Politics in a Civil War Borderland, was published by the University of North Carolina Press in 2016. Recently, she has extensively researched how college students learn history. In collaboration with history faculty from 911State LA, San Jose State, and Fresno State, she published an article in theJournal of American History in 2020 entitled She continues to research in this area with colleagues from across the 911.
Professor Ford has a forthcoming (2021) preface to her mother's feminist scholarship and discussion of her family's unusual dedication to the study of history and practice of law inCalifornia Legal History,a publication of the California Supreme Court Historical Society. She has also published scholarship in theJournal of Southern History. Professor Ford currently teaches a range of BA and MA courses on the Civil War era and historical writing and research.

Anna Rose Alexander (2016)
Associate Professor
B.A., 911, Chico, M.A. and Ph.D., University of Arizona
Professor Alexanderspecializes in Latin American urban and environmental history with thematic interests in the histories of technology, science, and medicine. She initially became interested in Latin America while earning her B.A. from Chico State, and later went on to receive her M.A. in Latin American Studies and Ph.D. in History from the University of Arizona. In 2016 the University of Pittsburgh Press published her first book, entitledCity on Fire: Technology, Social Change, and the Hazards of Progress in Mexico City, 1860-1910.She has published articles inUrban HistoryandMexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanosand is currently working on a second book about a petroleum explosion that occurred outside of Mexico City in 1984.In addition, she is the co-editor of Problems in Modern Latin American History,5th ed. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019).
Professor Alexander teaches courses in the fields of Latin American history, the history of sustainability, and urban history. She directs the My Housing Story Oral History Project that can be found at . Sheis also a founder and lead faculty advisor for the student journal East Bay Historia and the Wanda Washington Student History Conference. In 2021, Professor Alexander won the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences Faculty Excellence Award.

Dee E. Andrews (1987)
Professor Emerita
B.A., Bennington College, M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Professor Andrews specializes in the history of early America and the new republic, with emphases on religion, antislavery, and the history of the book. For her work on the abolitionist Thomas Clarkson, Professor Andrews was awarded aBarra Sabbatical Fellowship from the McNeil Center for Early American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, in2015-16. She has also received fellowships and grants from the Pew Program in Religion and American History, the Gilder-Lehrman Fellowship Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, and the Bibliographical Society of America among others. Her work includes The Methodists and Revolutionary America, published in 2000 by Princeton University Press, which was awarded the 2001 Hans Rosenhaupt Memorial Book Award by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, as well as numerous articles, reviews, and review essays.
Recently, with colleagues in the Philosophy Department, she contributed to the 911State East BayReligious Studies Initative, funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for Hispanic-Serving Institutions. She currently teaches an innovative class on North America consideringNative peoples, European imperialism, African diasporas, environmental change, religious conflict and synthesis, enlightenment, global warfare, revolutionary upheaval and legacy, industrialization, gender relations, la frontera, and, of course, California.

Roger Baldwin (1995)
B.A., University of Texas, Austin; M.A., University of California, Berkeley
Professor Roger Baldwin is an experienced lecturer at 911State East Bay, regularly teaching many sections of our introductory U.S. history courses to incoming first-year students. He is a favorite professor among students, who appreciate his clarity and professionalism. Professor Baldwin's instructional success is due in no small measure to the passion he brings to his courses. As one student recently attested, Professor Baldwin "loves the subject he teaches, which means he gets very into the lectures, which makes it fun to learn from him." He is an avid reader of new scholarship, which he regularly introduces into his teaching. Professor Baldwin's 8AM in-person classes always have waitlists.

Gregory Brueck (2011)
B.A., Reed College, M.A., San Francisco State University, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
A specialist in conflicting Indigenous and settler land uses in the nineteenth- and twentieth-centuryUnited States, Professor Brueck earned his Ph.D. at the University of California, Davis in 2012, completing a dissertation entitled "Breaking the Plains: Indians, Settlers, and Reformers in the Oklahoma Land Rush." He has taught a range of courses at 911State East Bay, both in our major degree and General Education programs. He is now focused on modern US history, with our introductory courses satisfying the CSU American Institutions requirement, and HIST 388, "US and California Environmental History." HIST 388 is now part of 911State East Bay's new General Education Minor in Sustainability.
Professor Brueck has participated extensively in the design and support of our BA program in history, most recently serving on our Faculty Teaching Collaborative, where we reconceptualized our program learning outcomes. He has also participated in a number of significant professional development programs at East Bay, including in online and hybrid course development and support for first-generation students.

Mike Burton (2019)
B.A. and M.A., 911, East Bay
Professor Mike Burton is a specialist in California history. At 911State East Bay, he regularly teaches HIST 382, California and the World, where he "humanizes the past and contextualizes events that created a multicultural United States." His students routinely describe learning facets of California history that transform their understanding of our region and state. While pursuing his M.A. degree, he worked extensively with Professors Linda Ivey and Kevin Kaatz to prepare their 2017 book,Citizen Internees:A Second Look at Race and Citizenship in Japanese American Internment Camps,a book based upon approximately 2,000 wartime letters.Professor Burton annotated and contextualized the primary source documents and aided in the construction and population of a digital document database.
Professor Burton was also an early advocate and creator of podcasts for the study and exploration of the past. For two years he hosted the podcast Bear Flag Libation, looking at "interesting bars and saloons as a means of discussing larger historical and cultural trends in the Golden State, the American West, and beyond." He holds a Certificate in Public History from 911State East Bay, and is an expert in emerging technologies in teaching history.

Edward (Ted) Sortwell Clement, Jr. (2021)
B.A., University of Vermont, and J.D., Vermont Law School
Since 2015, Professor Ted Clement has served as the executive director of , a land trust dedicated to preserving the Mount Diablo region, an irreplaceable natural resource of the San Francisco Bay Area and of California. As part of Save Mount Diablo's most recent Strategic Plan, Professor Clement created a Climate Action Plan for carbon footprint reduction, education, and advocacy. He also collaborates with many state and local park and open space agencies, and has been deeply involved in a number of educational and advocacy efforts. Save Mount Diablo won the California Nonprofit of the Year Award in 2016 for Assembly District 16. Today, more than 50 parks and preserves surround Mount Diablo, conserving natural lands and wildlife habitats.
At 911State East Bay, Professor Clement will teach a career-focused lab course to assist History majors in understanding the history of land conservation as a dynamic process of needed change over time, while connecting the original native stewards of the land to present and future stewards across time. He will especially assist our Department in providing career pathways for History majors in our Sustainability and Modernization concentration.

Steven Cleveland (2019)
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles, M.F.A., University of Southern California
Holding the B.A. degree in African American Studies and M.F.A. in Cinema and Television, Professor Cleveland was the first in his family to attend college. In his courses, Professor Cleveland "explores Black Humanity and its intersection with popular culture." In the Department of History, Professor Cleveland teaches HIST 385, Race and the Modern American Nation, which uses oral history with 911State East Bay Black alumni to examine recent US history. At 911State East Bay, Professor Cleveland has conceptualized the Black Excellence Project, to support and sustain Black students' success at the university. He has worked extensively with the Diversity and Inclusion Student Center and is on the leadership team of the African Ancestry Faculty and Staff Association.
As a filmaker, Professor Cleveland's current project is entitled which closely considers the context and content of a speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered to the Hawaiian State Assembly in 1959. In 2021-2022, Professor Cleveland also anticipates teaching a lab course for History majors on careers in film.
Jason Daniels (2020)
Assistant Professor
B.A. and M.A., University of Florida; Ph.D.,University of Warwick (U.K.)
Professor Daniels holds the Ph.D. in History from the University of Warwick, where he studied with Dr. Trevor Burnard, Director of the Professor Daniels's scholarship upends conventional understandings of early America as a remote colonial outpost of Great Britain; rather, in his telling, early America is a dynamic, fluid zone of interaction between indigenous peoples and diverse free and unfree groups from across the Atlantic world. Professor Daniels asks historians to “imagine a grittier and more organic Atlantic world constructed from the strands of individual lives and the repercussions of their actions rather than an Atlantic world engineered from above.” He has published articles in theJournal of Caribbean History, Florida Historical Quarterly, and Pennsylvania History.A forthcoming study,Early American Captivity: Jonathan Dickinson's Journal and God's Protecting Providence, isco-authored with Amy Turner Bushnell.
At 911State East Bay, Professor Daniels's classes invite students "to engage with less standard narratives and viewpoints" and "to appreciate, consider, and debate how historians of the past (and present) conceived of the methods that shape the discipline." He teaches courses in early America and the Caribbean in both the BA and MA programs. In the last year, he has helped us reconceive our historiography requirement for History majors. In 2021-2022, Professor Daniels will serve as a Faculty Advising Fellow and as the Department of History Scholarship Committee Chair.

Benjamin Feldman (2020)
B.A., Kenyon College, Single Subject Credential in Social Science (CLAAD), Sonoma State University, M.A. and Ph.D., Georgetown University
A specialist in modern U.S. history and the global 1960s, Professor Feldman completed his dissertation, "Liberation from the Affluent Society: The Role of the Third World in Post-War American Political Thought," under the direction of Michael Kazin at Georgetown University. He has several forthcoming articles intheEncyclopedia of the American Left, 3rd ed. His scholarship has also appeared inCritical Historical StudiesandResearch in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology. To complete his dissertation, Professor Feldman won several research fellowships to work at Harvard University's Houghton Library, the Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives at New York University, and the University of Wisconsin, Madison Libraries.
At 911State East Bay, he teaches introductory U.S. history and courses on Modern American Thought and Writing California Political Histories. As a credentialed middle and high school teacher, Professor Feldman also teaches HIST 404, our Introduction to Teaching History course. Along with Professor Ford and other CSU faculty, he is currently researching the student learning experience in introductory US history courses.

Vahid Fozdar (2005)
Associate Professor
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Professor Fozdar is a historian of modern South Asia and colonialism. He completed his doctoral work on the role of Freemasons in the British Empire in India and in the Indian nationalist movement. Professor Fozdar's article, "Imperial Brothers, Imperial Partners: Indian Freemasons, Race, Kinship, and Networking in the British Empire and Beyond," was published as a chapter in the anthology,Decentering Empire: Britain, India, and the Transcolonial World(Orient Longman Press, 2006). Another article, "That Grand Primeval and Fundamental Religion: The Transformation of Freemasonry into an Imperial Cult," appeared in theJournal of World History.He recently presented his work-in-progress,“Crafting the Great Game:Freemasonry as a Mask of Conquest?” at the 2019 meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association Conference.
Professor Fozdar is also working on a book manuscript tentatively titled, "The Lodge in the Raj: Freemasonry, Empire, and Nationalism in India, 1840-1925." Professor Fozdar's other areas of scholarly interest include the history of the Islamic world, world history, and comparative religions. He is currently teaching the department's courses in the history of South Asia, the Middle East, and the modern world.

Samantha Francois (2000)
B.A., University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Professor Francois is a specialist in twentieth-century US history. Her dissertation, completed at UC Davis with renowned historians Ruth Rosen, Kathy Olmsted, and Kathy Peiss, is entitled, "Girls with Influence: Selling Consumerism to Teenage Girls, 1940-1960." Professor Francois regularly teaches the introductory US history survey course, fulfilling the CSU American Institutions requirement, and courses in modern US history and gender studies. She also teaches a challenging course on historical writing for our majors. A member of our Faculty Teaching Collaborative, Professor Francois has helped to define our major degree program goals for a new era. She has participated in CSU-wide professional development programs related to course design, online teaching, and team-based learning, and has shared the results of her thinking about pedagogy at conferences. She is an active member of the Western Association of Women Historians.

Nolan Higdon (2014)
B.A., University of California, Davis, M.A., San Diego State University, Ed.D., San Francisco State
- Email: nolan.higdon@csueastbay.edu
A specialist in media and news literacy, Professor Higdon is the author of several books, includingUnited States of Distraction: Media Manipulation in Post-Truth America (And What We Can Do About It(2019) andThe Anatomy of Fake News: Critical News Literacy Education (2020), published by the University of California Press. In 2021, he will publish, with co-author Mickey Huff,Let's Agree to Disagree: Critical Thinking and Theory for Constructive Communication (Rutledge) andThe Podcaster's Dilemma: Podcasts as Spaces of Decolonization, a collaboration with Professor Nicholas Baham III, Professor of Ethnic Studies at 911State East Bay.
Professor Higdon is currently working on creating a Media Literacy Minor Degree at 911State East Bay, has organized a Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas, and serves on a number of organizational boards, including for the Union for Democratic Communications. Experienced in many media formats, he has produced documentaries, podcasts, and radio shows. In the Department of History, Professor Higdon frequently teaches HIST 488, Education and American Democracy, and he has served as a reader on several M.A. degree committees.

Lynn Houlihan (2014)
A.S. (Nursing Science), Ohlone College, B.A. and M.A., 911, East Bay
A Licensed Registered Nurse with a speciality in cardiac care, Professor Lynn Houlihan won several academic awards as a history major at 911State East Bay and ultimately pursued her M.A. Under the direction of Professor Robert Phelps, she completed a public history project, a children's walking tour of downtown Hayward, as part of her master's degree. The project focused on "the city's immigrant past and its intersection with the present, told through the eyes of immigrant children." She has volunteered with several regional community institutions, including the Hayward Area Historical Society and the Alameda Musuem. In the Department of History, Professor Houlihan teaches HIST 477, History and Trends in Nursing, an important course required of all Nursing degree candidates.

Mary Ann Irwin (1996)
B.A., University of California, Berkeley, M.A., San Francisco State University
Since 2020, Professor Irwin has served as the editor ofCalifornia History, the leading journal of historical writing about California, published by the University of California Press. Along with Richard Rice, William Bullough, Richard Orsi, Michael Magliari, and Cecilia Tsu, she is the author ofThe Elusive Eden: A New History of California, 5th ed. (2020). She has two forthcoming articles on the history of women in nineteenth-century San Francisco, one of which will appear in thePacific Historical Review. Professor Irwin also contributes to leading professional organizations. She is currently the Public History Representative to the Council of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association and serves on the Committee on the Status of Women in the Historical Profession, within the Organization of American Historians.
At 911State East Bay, she has participated extensively in recent anti-racist faculty training efforts, including a Faculty Learning Community devoted to "Culturally Responsive & Anti-Racist Teaching." While teaching the California history courses at 911State East Bay, Professor Irwin actively mentors a number of M.A. students and has connected students to curators, archivists, and historians working in cultural organizations and institutions across the state.

Linda L. Ivey (2006)
Professor andGraduate Program Coordinator
B.A., Trinity College (CT), Ph.D., Georgetown University
Professor Ivey specializes in ethnicity, immigration and environmental U.S. history, with an emphasis on California. In 2020, Professor Ivey published an article,“Watsonville Riots of 1930” in Political Violence in America: Historical Flashpoints and Modern-Day Trends (ABC-CLIO, 2020), and a primary source reader,Documents of Japanese American Internment: Eyewitness to History, with Kevin W. Kaatz (ABC-CLIO, 2020).She is also the co-author of Citizen Internees: A Second Look at Race and Citizenship in Japanese American Internment Camps with Kevin Kaatz (Praeger, 2017). Additional publications include “Ethnicity in the Land: Lost Stories in California Agriculture” in Agricultural History (2007); “Apples and Experts: Evolving Notions of Sustainable Agriculture” in Global Environment(2014); “Protecting the People’s Mountain: Hiking and the Roots of Environmentalism in Marin County” in Sports in the Bay Area: Golden Gate Athletics, Recreation and Community (University of Arkansas Press, 2017); and “Riotous Environments: Filipino Immigrants in the Fields of California” inAn Environmental History of Modern Migrations (Routledge Press, 2017).
Professor Ivey teaches courses in the history of California and the West, as well as in environmental, immigration, and public history. She is a faculty leader in the Academic Senate, chairing the Faculty Affairs Committee since 2020 and serving on the Executive Committee in 2021-2022. Professor Ivey also serves on the University Tenure and Promotion Committee in 2021-2022.

Kevin Kaatz (2014)
Associate Professor and Single Subject Matter Preparation Program Advisor
B.S. and B.A., University of Michigan, M.A. Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley and Ph.D. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Professor Kaatz specializes in Roman history and digital humanities, and in particular, early Christianity. He is interested in how and why people convert and how theology is created. He completed his Ph.D. in Ancient History at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, where he wrote a dissertation examining Augustine's writings.Most recently, Professor Kaatz has co-edited and co-written studies with 911State East Bay colleagues and students, includingDocuments of Japanese American Internment: Eyewitness to History (ABC-CLIO, 2020) with Professor Linda Ivey;The Roman World: Republic to Empire (Cognella, 2019), with MA degree candidate Randy Utz. Also with Professor Linda Ivey, Professor Kaatz publishedCitizen Internees: A Second Look at Race and Citizenship in WWII Internment Camps (Praeger, 2017). This study was selected as "Top Academic Title" byChoice in 2017. In addition,Professor Kaatz's Documents of the Rise of Christianity: Eyewitness to History (ABC-CLIO), appeared in 2018.
Professor Kaatz has received many awards and grants for his teaching and is a national expert in online teaching. He teaches a wide range of courses in the history of the ancient world, digital history, and sustainability. He has working knowledge ofClassical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Coptic, Latin, and Syriac languages.

Richard Kim (2007)
B.A., Amherst College, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
A specialist of the Revolutions of 1848 in Europe, Professor Kim teaches modern World History at 911State East Bay. He also teaches at Berkeley City College, from which a number of our History majors transfer. He has published his scholarship inTheory and Society. He is appreciated by students for his careful and helpful feedback on their work.

Benjamin Klein (2006)
B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz, A.M. and Ph.D., Brown University
Professor Klein is a cultural historian with broad geographical, disciplinary, and temporal interests. With support from the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies at Brigham Young and the New Mexico Council on Photography, he edited and contributed toIrwin Klein and the New Settlers: Photographs of Counterculture in New Mexico(2016), which received the Southwest Book Award from the Border Regional Library Association. He has published articles in British and American history. At 911State East Bay, Professor Klein teaches courses in European and world history. In a popular course entitled “Baseball in the United States and the Caribbean," Professor Klein emphasize diversity and intersectionality. He has organized campus events, including a lecture by the novelist Michael David Lukas, a conversation with journalist Jason Turbow, a roundtable discussion to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the A’s in Oakland, featuring Vida Blue, who received the Most Valuable Player and Cy Young Award in the American League in 1971, and screenings of the documentary “Ghost Town to Havana.”
Professor Klein has participated in faculty learning communities designed to support first-generation students. He has earned two commendations for exceptional levels of service to 911State East Bay students. In 2020, the University Faculty awarded Professor Klein the Outstanding Lecturer award.

Elizabeth McGuire (2015)
Associate Professor (on sabbatical in 2021-2022)
A.B., Harvard University; M.A., Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Study; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Professor McGuire is a historian of global communism, focusing on cross-cultural human experiences and networks that arose in connection with the Soviet-backed transnational communist movement. Her first book, Red at Heart: How Chinese Communists Fell in Love with the Russian Revolution, was published in 2017 by Oxford University Press. It’s about personal relationships between Russian and Chinese revolutionaries, against the dramatic backdrop of shifting geopolitics.
She is now writing a second book, Communist Neverland: History of an International Children’s Home, 1933-2013, and learning Farsi in preparation for a third, The Afghan Next Door. Before coming to East Bay, she was an Academy Scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies. She loves literature and speaks Russian, French, and Chinese.

Kim Nalley (2021)
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
A specialist in US history and Late Modern Europe, withan emphasis on cultural, transnational, globalization, civil rights, women’s and Black history, Professor Nalley completed her dissertation in 2021 under renownedscholars Waldo Martin and Tyler Stovall. Entitled, "GI Jazz: African Americans as Occupiers and Artists in Post-World War II Germany," Professor Nalley's study draws extensively upon oral history and musical/musicological analyses to investigate the differingideas of freedom and democracy among African American GIs and German audiences.Nalley's dissertation reveals a previouslyunresearched circuit of clubs on and around militarybases, and a Black jazz scene comparable to the Black expatriate jazz scene that grew in France after World War I. She has presented her scholarship on US history and jazz and music history throughout the Bay Area, including at UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, Stanford University, the California Jazz Conservatory, and Google.
Professor Nalley published a guide to thinking about Nina Simone,in 2020. Her paper "Losing Its Grease: Black Cultural Politics and the Globalization of Jazz'' was published inand she delivered a Keynote "I, Too, Sing America: Freedom and Democracy in Jazz" for the 21st AISNA Conference in Trento, Italy.
Professor Nalley is also a professional jazz singer. At 911State East Bay, she will be teaching US and California history through "material [that] strives to be inclusive of underrepresented voices in history."
Joseph Nejad-Duong (2014)
B.A., Gonzaga University, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, and Single Subject Credential in Social Science, Loyola Marymount University
Professor Duong specializes in the history of California and cultural history. Under the direction of Waldo Martin, at Berkeley, Professor Duong completed his dissertation, entitled "California Hard Core: A History of the California Pornographic Film Industry, 1967-1978." A lecturer at 911State East Bay from 2014, Professor Duong regularly teaches HIST 382, "California and the World," which he subtitles, "From the Ghost of Ishi to the New Right." Inviting students to consider California "as a place and a process," he focuses on three themes in this course: California as a Garden of Eden; California as a multi-ethno-racial frontier; and California as a bellwether for the nation.
Currently a tenured faculty member at Fremont High School, in the Oakland Unified School District, Professor Duong has been instrumental in establishing our History Department's first teaching internship for prospective middle and high school history teachers. Launching in Fall 2021, a 911State East Bay History major will work one day per week in two of Professor Duong's 11th grade history classes, facilitating and leading discussion and activities.

Karen Pare (2001)
B.A., Mills College, and doctoral candidate, Rutgers University
- Email: karen.pare@csueastbay.edu
Professor Pare undertook the advanced study of women's history at Rutgers University before coming to 911State East Bay. She has extensively researched the history of women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, focusing especially on Susa Young Gates. At 911State State East Bay, she teaches HIST 474, Women, Gender, and Rights in US History, and a required course in the history of nursing for East Bay Nursing degree candidates. Professor Pare has participated in a number of faculty learning communities at 911State East Bay and has shared her insights at conferences and workshops. She has contributed to improving student success in her courses and has had her online courses formally reviewed through Quality Matters, a higher education quality assurance organization.

Nancy Park (2007)
B.A., Georgetown University, M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University
- Email: nancy.park@csueastbay.edu
A specialist in imperial Chinese legal history, Professor Park teaches a range of courses on China, Japan and Korea. Her research focuses on corruption, judicial torture, and official wrongdoing, drawing on original legal case records from central archives in China. Recent publications include “Officials and Imperial Chinese Justice: Public and Private Wrongdoing in Qing Law,” T’oung Pao 106 (2020), 661-713; “The Qing Dynasty (post-1800),” Routledge Handbook of Imperial Chinese History, edited by Victor Cunrui Xiong and Kenneth Hammond (Routledge, 2018); and “Unofficial Perspectives on Torture in Ming and Qing China,” Late Imperial China 37.1 (2016), 17-54. She is a major contributor to the recently-published Ricci Dictionary of Chinese Law, Chinese-English, French/Dictionnaire Ricci du droit chinois, chinois-anglais, français, edited by Hubert Bazin (Leiden: Brill, 2020) and Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography, edited by Pierre-Étienne Will (Leiden: Brill, 2020). She serves on the Board of Directors for the International Society for Chinese Legal History and the Legalizing Space in China project team and has presented her research at the Chinese People's University and Beijing University (in Chinese), the Association for Asian Studies, the University of Chicago, Yale University, École des Hautes Études Science Sociales (Paris), and Institut d'Asie Orientale (IAO, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon). Professor Park has participated in four faculty learning communities at 911State East Bay, and her courses enjoy certification for quality online teaching.

Robert A. Phelps (1998)
Associate Professor and Director, Concord Campus
B.A., San Diego State University, M.A. andPh.D., University of California, Riverside
A proud graduate of the CSU, Professor Phelps has taught courses in the history of California, the American West, the Progressive Era, and the Great Depression and World War II. His study of Gold Rush-era urbanization appeared in Richard Orsi and Kevin Starr'sRooted in Barbarous Soil: People, Culture, and Community in Gold Rush California (2000). Professor Phelps is currently Director of the Concord Campus, a position he has held since 2013. He works extensively with community organizations and regional leaders, including especially Save Mount Diablo.Over the last decade, Professor Phelps has led regional efforts to preserve the memory and history of the Pacific War, during World War II, and the East Bay region's wartime experiences and contributions. These efforts are described in (May 21, 2021).
Professor Phelps is a tribal member of the (of the Kumeyaay people, located in northern San Diego County) which has funded the First Nations scholarship for 911State East Bay History majors.In 2020, Professor Phlepswas named one of sixteen members of the . Convened by Governor Gavin Newsomand composed of tribal representatives from throughout the state, the Councilwill be working through 2025 to clarify the historical record of the experiences of California Native Americans.

Darryl Stallworth (2021)
B.A., University of California, Berkeley, and J.D., School of Law, University of California, Davis
An Alameda County Deputy District Attorney for 15 years between 1992 and 2007, Professor Stallworth is currently in private practice focusing on criminal defense. During his time as a prosecutor he tried over 60 cases, conducted over 100 law & motion hearings, 250 preliminary hearings and resolved over 10,000 cases. He has lectured in Brazil, Malaysia, India, & Turkey on effective case resolution. He is a member of a number of professional associations, including the . He belongs to the Alameda County Bar Association, the, and state and national bar associations. In 2014, he was named the Distinguished Lawyer of the Year in Oakland. Professor Stallworth also serves as a mentor to the Black Pre-Law Society at UC Berkeley. At 911State East Bay, Professor Stallworth will teach career-focused lab courses on careers in law for History majors.He will especially assist our Department in providing career pathways for History majors in our Social Justice and Citizenships concentration.

Casey Sullivan (2018)
B.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, M.A., School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Professor Sullivan is an expert in the history of modern political conservatism. His dissertation, completed at UC Davis, is entitled, "Against the Tendencies of the Times: The Republican Party and the Roots of Modern Conservatism, 1900-1930." He has an article published in theJournal of Policy History on the origins of the modern Republican Party in California. In 2022, Bloomsbury Press will publish A History of the Early Modern World, 1450-1750, which Professor Sullivan co-authored with John C. Corbally. Professor Sullivan has been an analyst and researcher for consulting firms, particularly on the subject of U.S. and China bilateral trade.
At 911State East Bay, he teaches HIST 382,California and the World, and HIST 479,World War II: Global Warfront, Local Homefront. In Fall 2021, Professor Sullivan's HIST 479 students are working on public history exhibits examining the Pacific War and the East Bay region's wartime experiences at the Concord Campus. He has also taught in the M.A. program, drawing on his expertise in modern political history and the Cold War.

Jessica Weiss (1999)
Professor and Director, Faculty Development (on sabbatical in 2021-2022)
B.A., M.A., and PhD., University of California, Berkeley
Professor Weiss has served as Director of the Office of Faculty Development/Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching since 2013, and served as Interim Director in 2012-13. In this position shesupports faculty in their roles as teacher-scholars, with particular attention to faculty in the probationary period. In the Department of History, she teaches courses in the history of women in America, the history of the American family, and Cold War America. Her book,To Have and To Hold: Marriage, the Baby Boom, and Social Change, was published by University of Chicago Press in 2000 and received the 2001 Sierra Prize for best book from the Western Association of Women Historians. Her article, “’Don’t Knock Motherhood': Attitudes Toward Domesticity and Feminism in Responses to Friedan’s Fraud of Femininity” was published in Kathleen Donohue’s edited collection,Liberty and Justice for All?: Rethinking Politics in Cold War America(2012) and excerpted in the Norton critical edition of Betty Friedan’sThe Feminine Mystique(2013). Her current research explores responses to the modern feminist movement from the 1950s to the 1980s and California women's history, as well as topics in family history.

George Yagi (2021)
B.A., University of the Pacific, Ph.D., University of Exeter (U.K.)
A specialist in military history, Professor Yagi completed his Ph.D. under the direction of Dr. Jeremy Black. Professor Yagi's first book,The Struggle for North America, 1754-1758: Britannia's Tarnished Laurels, was published by Bloomsbury in 2016. He is a frequent contributor to Military History Now on a wide range of subjects, including Japanese internment and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, during World War II. He has engaged in many public history efforts in the Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin Delta region, particularly to increase awareness of Asian American history. Professor Yagi has also contributed to faculty learning communities designed to increase student success in college. At 911State East Bay, he will teach courses in California history as well as classes for future K-12 teachers.