
view-enews-032013true1740902801055system1364976000000/newsletter/view/2013/view-enews-032013Newssite://News/newsletter/view/2013/view-enews-032013en72651363821768975en72651371068775970/files/images/thumbnails/sites/t-WA-replacement-bldg.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/sites/t-WA-replacement-bldg.jpgNewst-WA-replacement-bldg.jpg5767136102/2013/03/WA-replacement-bldg-032013categoryTop News StoriesCurrent StudentsEast Bay Green NewsDaily DigestAlumni InterestFaculty and StaffcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/03/WA-replacement-bldg-032013NewsWA-replacement-bldg-032013Warren Hall leaves imprint on its replacementConstruction begins in the fall on the five-story Warren Hall replacement building that will occupy a site on the east side of the Hayward Campus. Doors open in spring 2015.By Monique BeelerMar 20, 2013 12:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-weekscholarship-032513.pngsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-weekscholarship-032513.pngNewst-weekscholarship-032513.png15218136102/2013/04/week-of-scholarship-040213categoryFaculty and StaffEventsTop News StoriesArts and CultureDaily DigestFriendsPresidential NewsCurrent StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/04/week-of-scholarship-040213Newsweek-of-scholarship-040213Week of Scholarship celebrates faculty and student research, April 22-26911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay will host five days of events to highlight teaching and learning on campus, with awards, guest speakers and a regional conference.By Sarah StanekMar 13, 2013 10:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-charliesharrer-032813.gifsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-charliesharrer-032813.gifNewst-charliesharrer-032813.gift-charliesharrer-032813.gif12012136104/2013/03/Sharrer-national-pow-032813categoryAthleticsFriendsFaculty and StaffAthletics - Men`s Baseball ResultsCurrent StudentsAlumni InterestTop News StoriesDaily DigestcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/03/Sharrer-national-pow-032813NewsSharrer-national-pow-032813CSUEB baseball's Charlie Sharrer named 'National Player of Week'The Pioneer senior was selected as the nation's top NCAA Division II player by the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association. He is the first in Pioneer baseball history to win the national honor.By Steve ConnollyMar 28, 2013 1:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/alumni/t-jobs-panel.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/alumni/t-jobs-panel.jpgNewst-jobs-panel.jpg7608136102/2013/04/industry-job-panels-040313categoryTop News StoriesEventsCurrent StudentsFaculty and StaffDaily DigestcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/04/industry-job-panels-040313Newsindustry-job-panels-040313ASI job panels introduce students to experts in fields from high tech to health careA series of five industry job panels give CSUEB students insiders' accounts about what employers look for in new hires and what it takes to succeed at companies such as ESPN, Merrill Lynch and Google.By Alanté MillowApr 3, 2013 5:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/faculty/t-collegeflags-101312.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/faculty/t-collegeflags-101312.jpgNewst-collegeflags-101312.jpgt-collegeflags-101312.jpg21163136102/2013/03/provosts-awards-nominations-032513categoryArts and CultureFaculty and StaffDaily DigestTop News StoriesCurrent StudentsConcord NewscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/03/provosts-awards-nominations-032513Newsprovosts-awards-nominations-032513Nominations open for Provost's Awards to honor outstanding facultyThree new awards recognize 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay faculty for their research, mentoring and community engagement.By Sarah StanekMar 25, 2013 8:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/at-csueb/t-april-at-csueb-033011.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/at-csueb/t-april-at-csueb-033011.jpgNewst-april-at-csueb-033011.jpg41183136102/2013/04/this-month-at-csueb-040313categoryOn HoldcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/04/this-month-at-csueb-040313Newsthis-month-at-csueb-040313This Month at CSUEBFind out what's scheduled, and mark your calendar with the top happenings at CSUEB in April.Apr 3, 2013 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-EddieDaniels-040313.gifsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/arts-culture/t-EddieDaniels-040313.gifNewst-EddieDaniels-040313.gift-EddieDaniels-040313.gif11852136104/2013/04/jazzfest-eddiedaniels-040313categoryFriendsDaily DigestTop News StoriesAlumni InterestCLASS NewsCurrent StudentsArts and CultureEventsFaculty and StaffcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/04/jazzfest-eddiedaniels-040313Newsjazzfest-eddiedaniels-040313Music legend Eddie Daniels to perform at 28th Annual CSUEB Jazz FestivalDaniels will be in concert during the two-day festival Friday, April 19 in the University Theatre and perform with and provide instruction for young musicians the next day.By Barry ZepelMar 2, 2013 7:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-ncaa-divisionii-070811.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-ncaa-divisionii-070811.jpgNewst-ncaa-divisionii-070811.jpg6105136102/2013/03/baseballranked-032013categoryCurrent StudentsDaily DigestAthleticsAthletics - Men`s Baseball ResultsFriendsAlumni InterestTop News StoriesFaculty and StaffcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/03/baseballranked-032013Newsbaseballranked-032013Pioneers ranked #22 nationally by Collegiate BaseballFor the first time since 1977, the 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay baseball team is ranked in the national Top 30 poll, reaching No. 22 in the Mar. 18 ABCA/Collegiate Baseball Newspaper rankings. by Steve ConnollyMar 21, 2013 9:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/welcome-day-2013.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/welcome-day-2013.jpgNewswelcome-day-2013.jpg7049136102/2013/03/welcome-day-032613categoryEventsProspective StudentsAlumni InterestTop News StoriesDaily DigestFaculty and StaffFriendsCurrent StudentscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/03/welcome-day-032613Newswelcome-day-032613Newly admitted students get glimpse into college life at April 13 Welcome DayApproximately 2,800 incoming freshmen, transfer students and their families will get a preview into academic and student life at 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay at the annual Welcome Day.By Alanté MillowMar 5, 2013 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-TeachrAndStudnt032813.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/annual-events/t-TeachrAndStudnt032813.jpgNewst-TeachrAndStudnt032813.jpgt-TeachrAndStudnt032813.jpg7012136102/2013/03/Day of The Teacher-032813categoryAlumni InterestFaculty and StaffEventsCurrent StudentsDaily DigestFriendsTop News StoriescopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/03/Day of The Teacher-032813NewsDay of The Teacher-032813Eleventh annual 'Day of Teacher' at CSUEB's Concord Campus April 27911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay's "Day of the Teacher" event features a half-day of workshops that allow attendees to get a feel of what being a teacher is all about.By Darice IngramMar 6, 2013 2:00 PM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-campus-tracklogo.gifsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-campus-tracklogo.gifNewst-campus-tracklogo.gift-campus-tracklogo.gif13408136104/2013/03/hayward-5kateastbay-032713categoryAthleticsProspective StudentsCurrent StudentsFaculty and StaffFriendsAthletics - Men`s Track ResultsAthletics - Men`s Cross Country ResultsAthletics - Women`s Cross Country ResultsEventsAlumni InterestTop News StoriesDaily DigestAthletics - Women`s Track ResultscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/03/hayward-5kateastbay-032713Newshayward-5kateastbay-032713Pioneer Athletics to host Hayward Hills Challenge 5K at East BayThe 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay track and cross country teams are partnering with Associated Students Inc. to host the May 11 event.By Dawn EllerbeMar 27, 2013 11:20 AM/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-RobertPhelps-040313.gifsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/administrative/t-RobertPhelps-040313.gifNewst-RobertPhelps-040313.gift-RobertPhelps-040313.gif13387136104/2013/04/phelps-named-concord-director-040213categoryOn HoldcopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/04/phelps-named-concord-director-040213Newsphelps-named-concord-director-040213Robert Phelps takes helm at Concord CampusAssociate Professor of History Robert Phelps has been named director of the Concord Campus, following three years as associate director at the Contra Costa facility.Apr 2, 2013 1:00 AM/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-pioneer-points.jpgsite://News/files/images/thumbnails/athletics/t-pioneer-points.jpgNewst-pioneer-points.jpg37012136102/2013/03/pioneerpointsapr-032713categoryOn HoldAthleticscopyrightOnboilerplateOnnavigationHidedisplay-left-colYessite://News/2013/03/pioneerpointsapr-032713Newspioneerpointsapr-032713Pioneer PointsWith our spring sports in full swing, there is a great deal to be excited about over the next several weeks. However, it will be a tall order to out-perform the month of March, which was a truly remarkable one for Pioneer Athletics, featuring several historic accomplishments by our student-athletes.By Debby De AngelisMar 27, 2013 4:00 PM
CSUEB Newsletter, The View: Monthly e-News for 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay Employees and Students

Warren Hall leaves imprint on its replacement

Thumbnail for the headline Warren Hall leaves imprint on its replacement

Construction begins in the fall on the five-story Warren Hall replacement building that will occupy a site on the east side of the Hayward Campus. Doors open in spring 2015.

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Week of Scholarship celebrates faculty and student research, April 22-26

Thumbnail for the headline Week of Scholarship celebrates faculty and student research, April 22-26

911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay will host five days of events to highlight teaching and learning on campus, with awards, guest speakers and a regional conference.

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CSUEB baseball's Charlie Sharrer named 'National Player of Week'

Thumbnail for the headline CSUEB baseball's Charlie Sharrer named 'National Player of Week'

The Pioneer senior was selected as the nation's top NCAA Division II player by the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association. He is the first in Pioneer baseball history to win the national honor.

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ASI job panels introduce students to experts in fields from high tech to health care

Thumbnail for the headline ASI job panels introduce students to experts in fields from high tech to health care

A series of five industry job panels give CSUEB students insiders' accounts about what employers look for in new hires and what it takes to succeed at companies such as ESPN, Merrill Lynch and Google.

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Nominations open for Provost's Awards to honor outstanding faculty

Thumbnail for the headline Nominations open for Provost's Awards to honor outstanding faculty

Three new awards recognize 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay faculty for their research, mentoring and community engagement.

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This Month at CSUEB

Thumbnail for the headline This Month at CSUEB

Find out what's scheduled, and mark your calendar with the top happenings at CSUEB in April.

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Music legend Eddie Daniels to perform at 28th Annual CSUEB Jazz Festival

Thumbnail for the headline Music legend Eddie Daniels to perform at 28th Annual CSUEB Jazz Festival

Daniels will be in concert during the two-day festival Friday, April 19 in the University Theatre and perform with and provide instruction for young musicians the next day.

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Pioneers ranked #22 nationally by Collegiate Baseball

Thumbnail for the headline Pioneers ranked #22 nationally by Collegiate Baseball

For the first time since 1977, the 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay baseball team is ranked in the national Top 30 poll, reaching No. 22 in the Mar. 18 ABCA/Collegiate Baseball Newspaper rankings.

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Newly admitted students get glimpse into college life at April 13 Welcome Day

Thumbnail for the headline Newly admitted students get glimpse into college life at April 13 Welcome Day

Approximately 2,800 incoming freshmen, transfer students and their families will get a preview into academic and student life at 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay at the annual Welcome Day.

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Eleventh annual 'Day of Teacher' at CSUEB's Concord Campus April 27

Thumbnail for the headline Eleventh annual 'Day of Teacher' at CSUEB's Concord Campus April 27

911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay's "Day of the Teacher" event features a half-day of workshops that allow attendees to get a feel of what being a teacher is all about.

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Pioneer Athletics to host Hayward Hills Challenge 5K at East Bay

Thumbnail for the headline Pioneer Athletics to host Hayward Hills Challenge 5K at East Bay

The 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay track and cross country teams are partnering with Associated Students Inc. to host the May 11 event.

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Robert Phelps takes helm at Concord Campus

Thumbnail for the headline Robert Phelps takes helm at Concord Campus

Associate Professor of History Robert Phelps has been named director of the Concord Campus, following three years as associate director at the Contra Costa facility.

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Pioneer Points

Thumbnail for the headline Pioneer Points

With our spring sports in full swing, there is a great deal to be excited about over the next several weeks. However, it will be a tall order to out-perform the month of March, which was a truly remarkable one for Pioneer Athletics, featuring several historic accomplishments by our student-athletes.

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CSUEB and alums In the News

Read news coverage about the accomplishments and contributions of 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay and its alumni in the Bay Area and beyond.

© Copyright 911±¬ÁÏÍø, East Bay, Published by the Office of University Communications