Student Research Symposium
Name | Major | Class Level | Poster Title |
Mautasim | Biological Sciences | Senior | Differential Gene Expression of Ginkgo Biloba Leaf |
Alejandra | Biological Sciences | Senior | Learning by Association in Plants |
Amy | Biological Sciences | Senior | Plants Learning Through Association |
Alana | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Establishing a Bioinformatic Pipeline for Repeat Elements |
Emily | Biological Sciences | Senior | Speciation and Identification of Intestinal Microbes of Tritonia tetraquetra |
Karen | Biological Sciences | Senior | Speciation and Identification of Intestinal Microbes of Tritonia tetraquetra |
Andy | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Characterization of PLM in ebp-1/2/3 triple mutant Caenorhabditis elegans |
Amirhossein | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Does sax-2 regulates rab-10 during PLM dendrite termination in C. elegans |
Emily | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | How do developmentally regulated metabolic enzymes contribute to stage conversion during Toxoplasma pathogenesis? |
Mohammad | Biological Sciences | Junior | Aptamer-based MRI contrast agent with higher efficacy |
Hamed | Biological Sciences | Freshman | New Pioneer |
Amir | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Sax-2 regulates rab-10 during PLM dendrite termination in C. elegans |
Juan | Biological Sciences | Junior | Rearing the Anopheles Stephensi Mosquito |
Binh | Biological Sciences | Senior | How are protein trafficked to the rhoptry and dense granule organelles in Toxoplasma gondii? |
Nayeli | Biological Sciences | Senior | Proline and Pigment Determination of Salt Stressed Pistachio Trees |
Natisha | Biological Sciences | Senior | Fuction Analysis of Kinase in White Lupin using CRISPR/Cas |
Candelaria | Biological Sciences | Senior | CRISPR-CAS Receptor Kinase |
Allen | Biological Sciences | Senior | Calcite's Effect on the Sorption and Mobility of Uranium (VI) in Engineered Barrier Systems |
amanjit | Biological Sciences | Senior | Kalanchoe marnieriana |
Kristina | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Differential Expression Analysis of Phosphate-Deficient White Lupin |
Iva | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | NF-kB as a potential orthologue in Tritonia Tetraquetra |
Crystal | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Cell culture of EA.Hy926 cells on Proprietary Fabric |
Jordan | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Isolation of Marine Bacteriophage Specific for Vibrio Species |
Jonathan | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Phylogenetic study of the Arminae |
Saatvika | Biological Sciences | Senior | Temperature variation across time in mussel biomimics along California coastline |
Melanie | Biological Sciences | Senior | Analyzing Differences in Protein Structure Between Warm and Cold Water Adapted Mussels Through Quantification of Hydrogen Bonds |
Ruby | Biological Sciences | Junior | Balancing Differentiation Between a Prescriptive vs. Flexible Professional Development |
Coleman | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Characterization of the hemolytic and cytotoxic effects of the venoms and toxins in the sea pen Ptilosarcus gurneyi |
Brian | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Alnicola of California |
Saffi | Biological Sciences | Sophomore | You Are Not Alone: Recipes to Obtain Success by Students for Students |
Nikolaus | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Genomic insights into convergence of bee-to-bird pollination shifts in a tropical plant group |
Annadelia | Biological Sciences | Senior | Bioinformatic approach to PEP1 protein function in Toxoplasma Gondii |
Dorien | Biological Sciences | Junior | Exosomes in plants |
Hadia | Biological Sciences | Graduate Student | Measuring the Expression Levels from Virally Infected Cells |
Kanoa | Biological Sciences | Senior | Speciation and Identification of Intestinal Microbes of Tritonia tetraquerta |
Euriel Chloe | Biological Sciences | Freshman | New Pioneer Scholar |
Jasmin | Biological Sciences | Senior | How Far Can a Single Act of Kindness Go? |
Paula | Biological Sciences | Senior | Subcellular Localization of a Novel Virulent Determinant of Toxoplasma Pathogenesis |
Patricia | Chemistry | Graduate Student | Degradation of halogenated compounds using laccase enzyme and redox mediators |
Elshad | Chemistry | Graduate Student | Development of an aptamer-based MRI contrast agent with higher efficacy |
David | Chemistry | Senior | Estimating Biodegradability by KMnO4 |
Paul | Computer Engineering | Senior | Ultrafast Nanomaterials |
Douglas | Computer Science | Senior | Development of the East Bay Sustainable Campus Educational Game |
Curtis | Computer Science | Senior | Development of the East Bay Sustainable Campus Educational Game |
Vrinda | Computer Science | Junior | Development of the East Bay Sustainable Campus Educational Game |
Hoa | Computer Science | Senior | New Pioneer |
Yashank | Computer Science | Junior | Using Higgs Boson to find 'Graviton' |
Alan | Computer Science | Junior | New Pioneer |
Pang | Computer Science | Freshman | New Pioneer |
Brian | Computer Science, Mathematics | Senior | Alike: Authenticated Lightweight key exchange |
Sandra | Computer Science, Mathematics | Junior | Building Blocks Within Sustainability |
Carlos | Construction Management | Graduate Student | Toward Reduced Emissions: Modeling Construction Activities with Deep Learning |
Candita | Counseling | Graduate Student | Baseline Symptoms of Generalized Affective Mirror Pain Synesthesia |
Isella | Counseling | Graduate Student | Trauma-Informed Care for Immigrant Youth |
Chelsea | Counseling | Graduate Student | Transforming Education Experience Through Social Emotional Learning |
Naveen | Counseling | Graduate Student | Transforming Education Experience Through Social and Emotional Learning |
Shirin | Counseling | Graduate Student | Baseline effects of general affective mirror pain synesthesia |
Tina | Counseling | Graduate Student | Transforming Education: Strong Kids Social and Emotional Curriculum, 2nd Ed |
Erica | Educational Psychology | Graduate Student | Transforming Education: Strong Kids Social and Emotional Curriculum, 2nd Edition |
Mina | Educational Psychology | Graduate Student | Transforming Education Experience through Social and Emotional Learning |
Fernanda | Educational Psychology | Graduate Student | Transforming Education Experience through Social and Emotional Learning |
Aarathi | Engineering Management | Graduate Student | Design of a Work-flow system for Serving Patients at the CSUEB Nursing Brigade in Panama using Discrete Even Simulation |
Jennifer | Environmental Geosciences | Graduate Student | Tidal Effects on Ecosystem Exchange of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Restored Tidal Marshes of San Francisco Bay |
Patrick | Environmental Science | Senior | Calculating Three Stream Waste Contamination Rates in the Staff & Administration Building at 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay |
Jessica | Environmental Science | Senior | Using GIS to examine implications of California's Marijuana Policies. |
Gabriel | Environmental Science | Senior | Dining Commons Compost Waste Audit Analysis |
Danielle | Health Sciences | Junior | Opioid and Stigma |
Savannah | Health Sciences | Senior | Empathy and Health Sciences and opioid epedemic |
Shabana | Health Sciences | Junior | Opioid Stigma |
Kamila | Health Sciences | Senior | A Systematic Review of Interventions to Increase Empathy Among Medical School Students |
Priya | Health Sciences | Junior | Teaching Empathy Through Medical Humanities |
Amy | Health Sciences | Senior | Systemic Review on Interventions on Empathy Among Medical School Students |
Eron | Industrial Engineering | Senior | Supply Chain Improvement |
Christiana | Industrial Engineering | Sophomore | CSU East Bay Quadcopter Drone |
Gregory | Mathematics | Senior | Wave Maps Equation |
Jabr | Mathematics | Graduate Student | Ultrafast Nanomaterials Lab |
Linda | Mathematics | Graduate Student | Perceptual Image Hashing of Video |
Jamil | Physics | Senior | Very High Energy Gamma Ray Research on Blazars |
Dennis | Physics | Senior | Extragalactic Background Light Analysis with VERITAS Observations |
Madeline | Physics | Senior | Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic Physics |
Tatum | Physics | Senior | Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic Physics |
Nathan | Physics | Senior | Ultrafast Nanomaterials Lab |
Whitney | Psychology | Senior | Brain Mechanisms of Stereotype-based Memory Errors |
Kayla | Psychology | Senior | Brain Mechanisms of Stereotype-based Memory Errors |
Courtney | Psychology | Senior | Gender Differences on a New Visuospatial Transformation Task |
Melanie | Psychology | Senior | the effects of rumination and gratitude |
Isaac | Psychology | Junior | Effect of a Nostalgia Intervention |
Josephus | Psychology | Senior | Dealing with Rumination: Altering Positive and Negative Affect in Depressed and Non-Depressed Individuals Through the use of Thinking Interventions |
Karina | Psychology | Senior | Nostalgia and Well-being |
Josephus | Psychology | Junior | Dealing with Rumination: Altering Positive and Negative Affect in Depressed and Non-Depressed Individuals Through the use of Thinking Interventions |
Marinna | Psychology | Senior | Effects of Gratitude and Rumination on Depressed and Non-Depressed Individuals |
Kayla | Psychology | Graduate Student | The Consequences of using "None-of-the-above" (NOTA) Questions on Subsequent Retention |
Jinai | Psychology | Senior | Predicting Strategy Use in Answering Multiple-choice Questions |
Vincenzo | Psychology | Junior | Visuospatial Abilities Through New Spatial Rotation and Perspective Taking Tasks |
Sepehr | Psychology | Freshman | New Pioneer Scholar |
Sandra | Psychology | Junior | The Effect of and Imagery Intervention on Soccer Penalty Kick Learning and Performance |
Cesar | Psychology | Junior | Pick Your Partner: The Role of Race and Gender in Negotiation Preferences |
Lynn | Psychology | Senior | Pick Your Partner: The Role of Race and Gender in Negotiation Preferences |
Abraham | Psychology | Senior | Pick Your Partner: The Role of Race and Gender in Negotiation Preferences |
Alyssa | Psychology | Senior | Effects of Gratitude and Distraction on Depressed and Nondepressed Participants |
Hazel | Psychology | Senior | Effects of Gratitude and Distraction on Depressed and Nondepressed Participants |
whitney | Psychology | Senior | opioid and stigma |
Neha | Psychology | Senior | What good is research if it is not put into practice? An examination of the most frequently reported resources for gathering exercise information. |
Katherine | Psychology, sociology | Senior | Nostalgia Influence on Satisfaction with Life, Negative Affect, and Positive Affect |