
Student Research Symposium

911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay’s Center for Student Research will hold its annual Student Research Symposium (SRS) Wednesday April 17th, 2019  from 12-2pm where more than 100 College of Science students are expected to present. This event is a great opportunity for our students to share their research with other students, faculty, and administrators at CSUEB! Check out all of our students, ranging from undergraduates and graduate students, from fourteen different majors.

Name Major Class Level  Poster Title
Mautasim Biological Sciences Senior Differential Gene Expression of Ginkgo Biloba Leaf
Alejandra Biological Sciences Senior Learning by Association in Plants
Amy Biological Sciences Senior Plants Learning Through Association
Alana Biological Sciences Graduate Student Establishing a Bioinformatic Pipeline for Repeat Elements
Emily Biological Sciences Senior Speciation and Identification of Intestinal Microbes of Tritonia tetraquetra
Karen Biological Sciences Senior Speciation and Identification of Intestinal Microbes of Tritonia tetraquetra
Andy Biological Sciences Graduate Student Characterization of PLM in ebp-1/2/3 triple mutant
Caenorhabditis elegans
Amirhossein Biological Sciences Graduate Student Does sax-2 regulates rab-10 during PLM dendrite
termination in C. elegans
Emily Biological Sciences Graduate Student How do developmentally regulated metabolic
enzymes contribute to stage conversion during Toxoplasma pathogenesis?
Mohammad Biological Sciences Junior Aptamer-based MRI contrast agent with higher
Hamed Biological Sciences Freshman New Pioneer
Amir Biological Sciences Graduate Student Sax-2 regulates rab-10 during PLM dendrite termination in C. elegans
Juan Biological Sciences Junior Rearing the Anopheles Stephensi Mosquito
Binh Biological Sciences Senior How are protein trafficked to the rhoptry and dense granule organelles in Toxoplasma gondii?
Nayeli Biological Sciences Senior Proline and Pigment Determination of Salt Stressed Pistachio Trees
Natisha Biological Sciences Senior Fuction Analysis of Kinase in White Lupin using CRISPR/Cas
Candelaria Biological Sciences Senior CRISPR-CAS Receptor Kinase
Allen Biological Sciences Senior Calcite's Effect on the Sorption and Mobility of Uranium (VI) in Engineered Barrier Systems
amanjit Biological Sciences Senior Kalanchoe marnieriana
Kristina Biological Sciences Graduate Student Differential Expression Analysis of
Phosphate-Deficient White Lupin
Iva Biological Sciences Graduate Student NF-kB as a potential orthologue in Tritonia Tetraquetra
Crystal Biological Sciences Graduate Student Cell culture of EA.Hy926 cells on Proprietary Fabric
Jordan Biological Sciences Graduate Student Isolation of Marine Bacteriophage Specific for Vibrio Species
Jonathan Biological Sciences Graduate Student Phylogenetic study of the Arminae
Saatvika Biological Sciences Senior Temperature variation across time in mussel biomimics along California coastline
Melanie Biological Sciences Senior Analyzing Differences in Protein Structure Between Warm and Cold Water Adapted Mussels Through Quantification of Hydrogen Bonds
Ruby Biological Sciences Junior Balancing Differentiation Between a Prescriptive vs. Flexible Professional Development
Coleman Biological Sciences Graduate Student Characterization of the hemolytic and cytotoxic effects of the venoms and toxins in the sea pen Ptilosarcus gurneyi
Brian Biological Sciences Graduate Student Alnicola of California
Saffi Biological Sciences Sophomore You Are Not Alone: Recipes to Obtain Success by Students for Students
Nikolaus Biological Sciences Graduate Student Genomic insights into convergence of bee-to-bird pollination shifts in a tropical plant group
Annadelia Biological Sciences Senior Bioinformatic approach to PEP1 protein function in Toxoplasma Gondii
Dorien Biological Sciences Junior Exosomes in plants
Hadia Biological Sciences Graduate Student Measuring the Expression Levels from Virally Infected Cells
Kanoa Biological Sciences Senior Speciation and Identification of Intestinal Microbes of Tritonia tetraquerta
Euriel Chloe Biological Sciences Freshman New Pioneer Scholar
Jasmin Biological Sciences Senior How Far Can a Single Act of Kindness Go?
Paula Biological Sciences Senior Subcellular Localization of a Novel Virulent Determinant of Toxoplasma Pathogenesis
Patricia Chemistry Graduate Student Degradation of halogenated compounds using laccase enzyme and redox mediators
Elshad Chemistry Graduate Student Development of an aptamer-based MRI contrast agent with higher efficacy
David Chemistry Senior Estimating Biodegradability by KMnO4
Paul Computer Engineering Senior Ultrafast Nanomaterials
Douglas Computer Science Senior Development of the East Bay Sustainable Campus Educational Game
Curtis Computer Science Senior Development of the East Bay Sustainable Campus Educational Game
Vrinda Computer Science Junior Development of the East Bay Sustainable Campus Educational Game
Hoa Computer Science Senior New Pioneer
Yashank Computer Science Junior Using Higgs Boson to find 'Graviton'
Alan Computer Science Junior New Pioneer
Pang Computer Science Freshman New Pioneer
Brian Computer Science, Mathematics Senior Alike: Authenticated Lightweight key exchange
Sandra Computer Science, Mathematics Junior Building Blocks Within Sustainability
Carlos Construction Management Graduate Student Toward Reduced Emissions: Modeling Construction Activities with Deep Learning
Candita Counseling Graduate Student Baseline Symptoms of Generalized Affective Mirror Pain Synesthesia
Isella Counseling Graduate Student Trauma-Informed Care for Immigrant Youth
Chelsea Counseling Graduate Student Transforming Education Experience Through Social Emotional Learning
Naveen Counseling Graduate Student Transforming Education Experience Through Social and Emotional Learning
Shirin Counseling Graduate Student Baseline effects of general affective mirror pain synesthesia
Tina Counseling Graduate Student Transforming Education: Strong Kids Social and Emotional Curriculum, 2nd Ed
Erica Educational Psychology Graduate Student Transforming Education: Strong Kids Social and Emotional Curriculum, 2nd Edition
Mina Educational Psychology Graduate Student Transforming Education Experience through Social and Emotional Learning
Fernanda Educational Psychology Graduate Student Transforming Education Experience through Social and Emotional Learning
Aarathi Engineering Management Graduate Student Design of a Work-flow system for Serving Patients at the CSUEB Nursing Brigade in Panama using Discrete Even Simulation
Jennifer Environmental Geosciences Graduate Student Tidal Effects on Ecosystem Exchange of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Restored Tidal Marshes of San Francisco Bay
Patrick Environmental Science Senior Calculating Three Stream Waste Contamination Rates in the Staff & Administration Building at 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay
Jessica Environmental Science Senior Using GIS to examine implications of California's Marijuana Policies.
Gabriel Environmental Science Senior Dining Commons Compost Waste Audit Analysis
Danielle Health Sciences Junior Opioid and Stigma
Savannah Health Sciences Senior Empathy and Health Sciences and opioid epedemic
Shabana Health Sciences Junior Opioid Stigma
Kamila Health Sciences Senior A Systematic Review of Interventions to Increase
Empathy Among Medical School Students
Priya Health Sciences Junior Teaching Empathy Through Medical Humanities
Amy Health Sciences Senior Systemic Review on Interventions on Empathy Among Medical School Students
Eron Industrial Engineering Senior Supply Chain Improvement
Christiana Industrial Engineering Sophomore CSU East Bay Quadcopter Drone
Gregory Mathematics Senior Wave Maps Equation
Jabr Mathematics Graduate Student Ultrafast Nanomaterials Lab
Linda Mathematics Graduate Student Perceptual Image Hashing of Video
Jamil Physics Senior Very High Energy Gamma Ray Research on Blazars
Dennis Physics Senior Extragalactic Background Light Analysis with VERITAS Observations
Madeline Physics Senior Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic Physics
Tatum Physics Senior Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic Physics
Nathan Physics Senior Ultrafast Nanomaterials Lab
Whitney Psychology Senior Brain Mechanisms of Stereotype-based Memory Errors
Kayla Psychology Senior Brain Mechanisms of Stereotype-based Memory Errors
Courtney Psychology Senior Gender Differences on a New Visuospatial Transformation Task
Melanie Psychology Senior the effects of rumination and gratitude
Isaac Psychology Junior Effect of a Nostalgia Intervention
Josephus Psychology Senior Dealing with Rumination: Altering Positive and Negative Affect in Depressed and Non-Depressed Individuals Through the use of Thinking Interventions
Karina Psychology Senior Nostalgia and Well-being
Josephus Psychology Junior Dealing with Rumination: Altering Positive and Negative Affect in Depressed and Non-Depressed Individuals Through the use of Thinking Interventions
Marinna Psychology Senior Effects of Gratitude and Rumination on Depressed and Non-Depressed Individuals
Kayla Psychology Graduate Student The Consequences of using "None-of-the-above" (NOTA) Questions on Subsequent Retention
Jinai Psychology Senior Predicting Strategy Use in Answering Multiple-choice Questions
Vincenzo Psychology Junior Visuospatial Abilities Through New Spatial Rotation and Perspective Taking Tasks
Sepehr Psychology Freshman New Pioneer Scholar
Sandra Psychology Junior The Effect of and Imagery Intervention on Soccer Penalty
Kick Learning and Performance
Cesar Psychology Junior Pick Your Partner: The Role of Race and Gender in Negotiation Preferences
Lynn Psychology Senior Pick Your Partner: The Role of Race and Gender in Negotiation Preferences
Abraham Psychology Senior Pick Your Partner: The Role of Race and Gender in Negotiation Preferences
Alyssa Psychology Senior Effects of Gratitude and Distraction on Depressed and Nondepressed Participants
Hazel Psychology Senior Effects of Gratitude and Distraction on Depressed and Nondepressed Participants
whitney Psychology Senior opioid and stigma
Neha Psychology Senior What good is research if it is not put into practice? An examination of the most frequently reported resources for gathering exercise information.
Katherine Psychology, sociology Senior Nostalgia Influence on Satisfaction with Life, Negative Affect, and Positive Affect