Student Teacher Learns Educational Ropes at Logan

  • September 27, 2010

Logan has a new student teacher, 26-year-old Bellamy Liu.
Liu is currently studying at 911±¬ÁÏÍø East Bay (CSUEB) and joined a one-year program last summer to reach his goal: to become a high school physics teacher.
In order to earn his teaching credentials, Liu must do a variety of things. First he must gain teaching experience by working with students. He then needs to observe how another teacher runs a classroom. Finally he needs to passes two standardized tests, the CSET and CBEST. The CBEST is a general knowledge test, while the CSET is specific to the subject Liu wants to teach.
Liu has already completed some of the requirements. He has gained some teaching experience through after school tutoring, and is currently observing Julie Chuang's physics class everyday for three hours.
Because of all the requirements he must complete, Liu believes that his schedule is very tight.
"During the day I have to observe classes, and at night I have to take classes to learn how to manage a classroom," he said.
When asked why he wanted to teach high school, Liu said, " High school students are at such a developmental stage in their life that they are willing to learn. It's not that middle and elementary school students do not want to learn; [they] can be challenging to deal with sometimes.
Chuang has only known Liu for several weeks, but said that she has confidence in his ability to succeed.
"He is very receptive in observing the class, and very willing to learn and improve his teaching", said Chuang.
The physics teacher also mentioned that Liu will have to learn quickly. "His learning will be more accelerated because I will be on maternity leave later in the year," she explained.
Even though Liu is only observing Chuang, he will gradually take on more of the teaching workload and eventually teach all of Mrs. Chuang's classes.

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