911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay talk will take on sports, politics

  • February 13, 2012

By Eric Kurhi
Daily Review Staff Writer

HAYWARD -- "Sports, Politics and Resistance in the United States" will be the topic of a free Wednesday event to herald the opening of 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay's Center for Sport and Social Justice.

Dave Zirin, a writer for The Nation magazine and prominent authority on politics in sports, will speak at 7 p.m. in the University Theatre on the campus at 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd., Hayward.

The Center for Sport and Social Justice was created in the interest of encouraging political discussion related to sports, including race, class, gender and disability issues.

"The center's programs and activities seek to promote the creation of more humane and socially just sport practices and opportunities for all," wrote Rita Liberti, director of the center and CSUEB kinesiology professor.

Zirin has authored several books related to the topic, the most recent being "The John Carlos Story," about the African-American track and field athlete who, along with Tommie Smith, gave the "Black Power" salute at the 1968 Olympic Games.