This Month at CSUEB

  • October 23, 2012

A digest of top, need-to-know dates, deadlines and events for faculty, staff and students, "This Month at CSUEB" is a regular feature of The View e-News. Read on for updates and previews of what’s happening at 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay in the coming month:

• Know a staff member who consistently goes out of her way for others on the job, while demonstrating the highest commitment to CSUEB’s mission? Have a colleague whose professional attitude and willingness to take on extra responsibility sets him apart? Nominate a top coworker for the Vivian Cunniffe Award for outstanding staff member by Friday, Nov. 9. Submit nominations of one-page or less to Wendy Reardon, in Human Resources, SA 2600, or at

• The Theatre and Dance Department will present “The Good Person of Setzuan” by Tony Kushner at 8 p.m. Nov. 9, 10, 16 and 17; and at 2 p.m. Nov. 18 in the University Theatre. Tickets are $5 to $15.

• The Pioneers basketball team is holding a Nov. 11 Military Appreciation Day, when the men's basketball team hosts Notre Dame De Namur at 2 p.m. in Pioneer Gym on the Hayward campus. All military personnel, plus one guest, are welcome to the game free of admission. Questions? Call Dawn Ellerbe at ext. 5-2542.

• Observe the Great American Smokeout Nov. 15 by participating in the ALL Clear Cleanup organized by Student Health and Counseling Services. From 9 a.m. to noon, volunteers across the university community will assist in cleaning up cigarette butts. To sign up, contact Janice Frias at ext. 5-7080 or at

• The CSUEB Wind Symphony will perform at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 27 in the University Theatre. Admission is free to those with a CSUEB I.D.; $5 to $7 for others.

• Learn how to plan for the future at the Nov. 17  dedicated to the theme “Shape Your Legacy.” The conference, featuring keynote speaker Joshua Fredenburg, runs 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the New University Union multipurpose rooms A and B. Call (510) 885-2646 to register.