911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay Diversity Development Program Continues Jan. 13 with Talk on Gender Issues


  • January 9, 2015

The next presentation in 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay’s Diversity Development Program will be “Gender Issues: People, Culture and Communication,” from 9 - 11 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 13, in the Biella Room in the University Library.

Presenter Sally Murphy, 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay senior director of undergraduate studies and general education, will explore “Gender Issues: People Culture, and Communication.” In her presentation, Murphy will focus on how people are shaped and identified by their communication, examining the roots of communication behaviors and the difficulties of understanding why individuals are effective in some situations and not in others.

“We have it in our power to expand the ways in which we present our ideas and ourselves by becoming mindful of our own behaviors and the behaviors of others,” Murphy said. “The ways that we speak tell those around us who we are: Our gender, race, ethnicity, the groups we affiliate with, the socioeconomic class in which we were raised – or to which we aspire – are all reflected in our verbal and non-verbal messages. The ways we communicate with one another indicate our roles as well as our situational power Murphy explained. “We are capable of switching our words, grammar and behaviors to fit situations in which we find ourselves – if we know the linguistic and behavioral ‘code’ the situation calls for.”

Murphy came to 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay in 1990 as a faculty member of the Speech Communication department (now the Communication department). She began her work as director of general education in 1997 and has served as senior director of undergraduate studies and general education since 2012. Murphy’s early research was on gender differences in communication and quickly broadened to explore the ways race, gender, ethnicity, and social class were displayed in day-to-day communication. She has a special interest in how those factors play out in the classroom.

The Diversity Development Program features monthly talks by campus experts on topics related to diversity. “The program is intended to celebrate 911±¬ÁÏÍøState East Bay’s diverse population while also addressing the unresolved issues and concerns that exist in such a varied university community,” said University Diversity Officer Dianne Rush Woods. “Resolving these problems is essential to working in a harmonious atmosphere. The diversity program provides a unique opportunity for staff and faculty to engage in serious discussion on various topics of diversity.”

The monthly presentations are free and open to the public. Those interested in attending can register online at: .

The Diversity Development Program is co-sponsored by the Office of Faculty Development and the Leadership and Employment Enrichment Program.

Four additional presentations are scheduled as part of the 2014-15 Diversity Development Program series. All presentations will be from 9 - 11 a.m. in the University Library’s Biella Room. Dates, topics and speakers are:

  • Feb. 10, “African-Americans: People, Culture and Communication,” Dennis Chester, interim associate dean of the College of Letters Arts and Social Sciences, and Nicholas Baham, professor of ethnic studies
  • March 3, “Latinas/os: People, Culture and Communication,” Diana Balgas, executive director, Student Outreach & Retention Services
  • April 7, “LGBTQ: People, Culture and Communication,” Gretchen Keer, librarian
  • May 5, “Asian-Americans: People, Culture and Communication,” Kim Geron, department chair, Political Science; My-Lan Huynh, advisor, Student Life & Leadership, and lecturer, Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism; and Arnab Mukherjea, assistant professor, Health Sciences.