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Vote up creativity in the chemistry lab

pepsi refresh project banner BY: refresheverything.com

pepsi refresh project banner BY: refresheverything.com

  • April 14, 2010 9:00am

Students in Professor Anne Kotchevar’s organic chemistry class are learning to think creatively about more than just molecular compounds.  

To obtain the latest lab technology during unprecedented budget cuts, they submitted their request for a new infrared spectrometer, electrothermal digital melting point apparatus, and refractometer to the Pepsi® refresh project. Currently in 280th place for $25,000 in funding, all they need now are votes.

Mary Keehan, a junior majoring in biological sciences, initiated the idea. “I was driving home from a day of chemistry and waiting in line for the infrared spectrometer when I heard the Pepsi refresh project commercial on the radio," said Keehan.  I just kept thinking how cool it would be if I could get a grant and use it in the chemistry lab.” Other students helped Keehan take photos and edit the grant proposal.

“This new equipment will allow us to train more students on instruments that are currently used in the laboratories of many chemical companies,” said Ann McPartland, chair of the chemistry department. “The instruments will also benefit the research labs on campus which help launch many students’ careers.”

The Pepsi Refresh Project launched in January 2010 and will award more than $20 million this year to fund great ideas that refresh the world.

You can vote every day for the CSUEB chemistry equipment request until the April 30th deadline.   “If we can get students to vote every day when they check their email, we have a real shot, “said Keehan

--Kimberly Legocki

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