These are psychology faculty who are now retired or have passed away. Some were founders of the department. Most of those still living in the area are willing to work with undergraduate students whose interests coincide with theirs.
Georgia Babladelis: B.A., 1953, University of Michigan; M.A., 1957, U.C. Berkeley; Ph.D., 1960, University of Colorado; Emerita, 1994. Dr. Babladelis taught courses and did research in personality development, psychotherapy, and gender. Taking note of the many returning students at this University (usually female) she undertook research to evaluate their academic experiences and achievements. That work led to her abiding interest in issues of gender. Often working against significant opposition, she created the course in Psychology of Women, helped launch the Women's Studies program, and became the founding editor of Psychology of Women Quarterly, the official journal of Division 35 of the American Psychological Association. She was a member of the University's Heritage Society and has endowed a scholarship for returning women students. She resided in Berkeley. Dr. Babladelis passed away in 2009.
Cletus Burke: A.B., 1939, University of Southern California; M.A., 1943, University of California Scripps Institute; Ph.D., 1948, State University of Iowa. Dr. Burke had a joint appointment in the Department of Statistics. He came to 911±¬ÁÏÍøState with a grant that paid his salary, but he chose to teach courses in Mathematical Psychology without pay because he loved to teach and he loved his subject matter. He passed away in 1973 while still teaching at the university.
Richard Floyd: B.S., 1960, University of Michigan; Ph.D., 1964, University of Minnesota; Emeritus, 1997. Dr. Floyd was a legendary teacher of Introductory Psychology, with special interests in thinking, the nature of consciousness, and beliefs in parapsychology. He taught at the University of Utah from 1964 to 1966, then came to our Department. He resides in El Cerrito.
Nancy Harrison: B.S., 1966, University of Maryland; M.S., 1968, Ph.D., 1970, Northwestern University, Emerita, 2007. Dr. Harrison taught for a year at Northwestern before coming to our University in 1971. A cognitive psychologist by training, Dr. Harrison knows a lot about attention, memory, problem solving, and a little about consciousness and things like that. In her most recent research she tried to understand the relationship between people's daily plans and what they actually do. Her past course offerings included Cognitive Processes, Psychological Tests, Developmental Psychology, and Experimental Psychology. She currently resides in Castro Valley with her husband, daughter, and toy poodle, Smithers.
Stuart Klapp: B.E.E., M.S., 1959, Ohio State University; Ph.D., 1969, U.C. Berkeley; Emeritus, 2000. Dr. Klapp worked as an electronic engineer at Batelle Memorial Institute and at SCM Corporation before entering graduate school in psychology. He came to our University in 1969 and served as Department Chair from 1979 until 1982 and subsequently served as acting chair. Now Professor Emeritus, Dr. Klapp is continuing to work with students on his research on subliminal perception (that is, nonconscious influences on behavior), automatic processes, and changes in perception with Parkinson's disease (an effect discovered by Dr. Allan Netick, another emeritus professor).
Eleanor Levine: B.A., 1964 Bard College; Ph.D., 1969 Cornell University; Emerita, 2004. Before coming to our department, Dr. Levine was a Research Associate at Stanford University Medical Center, at the Institute for Childhood Aphasia, and a joint Post-doctoral fellow at Stanford University and U.C. Berkeley. Dr. Levine's specialties are in developmental psychology and psycholinguistics, but she devoted much of her career to community mental health activities, and was also interested in women's issues. Early in her academic career she began spending summers in Central America becoming fluent in Spanish and getting acquainted with psychologists there. Subsequently, she spent a year in Nicaragua as a Fulbright Fellow, helping to develop an alternative program for assessing and remediating children's learning difficulties. She developed the community internship program for psychology students (under the course name of Fieldwork in Psychology, Psyc 4430). She was Chair of the Department from 1995 until 2000. Among her research interests are women's issues and development of children and the elderly. At home in Berkeley, Dr. Levine is living out various dignified middle-aged sequels to her early days as a political activist, continuing with her research and community involvement.
Norman Livson: B.S., 1945, Ph.D., 1951, U.C. Berkeley; Emeritus, 1986. Dr. Livson was a developmental psychologist who was instrumentally associated with the data archive at the Institute of Human Development, U.C. Berkeley. He was Chair of the Department from 1966 until 1979, a period of tumultuous growth and followed by slow shrinkage. His special interest was longitudinal research on personality development throughout the lifespan. He passed away in 2005.
John Lovell: B.A.., 1966, M.A., 1967, Ph.D., 1971, UCLA. Dr. Lovell began his academic career in perceptual psychology, studying language and the senses of hearing, touch, taste and smell. As a Fulbright Fellow at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji, he worked on telecommunication systems and distance learning. At our University, he created the undergraduate option in industrial psychology. Among the courses he taught were History and Systems of Psychology, Experimental Psychology, and General Psychology. His interests have recently been directed toward digital media, games, and internet communication.
Roy Matsumoto: B.A., 1962, University of Hawaii; M.A., 1964, Ph.D., 1965, State University of Iowa; Emeritus, 2004. Students describe Dr. Matsumoto as demanding, kind and thoughtful, clear and thorough. Dr. Matsumoto is retired but continues to teach part-time, primarily Conditioning and Learning and Experimental Psychology.
Arnold Mechanic: B.A., 1954, Queens College; M.A., 1955, Ohio State University; Ph.D., 1960, U.C. Berkeley; Emeritus, 1992. Dr. Mechanic was the second faculty member in the Department, and was a fierce advocate for faculty rights. His special interests include learning and conditioning, and experimental analysis of pain and mood. He served for six years as Consulting Editor of the Journal of Experimental Psychology. He resides in Berkeley.
Alan Monat: B.A., 1967, Florida State University; Ph.D., 1972, U.C. Berkeley. Dr. Monat became the Associate Dean of the College of Science in 2003, at which time the Psychology Department lost its Chair, the University's Institute for Mental Health and Wellness Education lost its Director, and students lost a professor who holds the distinction among professors of never having taught a disorganized class. (Dr. Monat served as Chair from 2000 until 2003.) Some of the many classes he has taught are: Stress and Coping, Abnormal Psychology, Psychology of Personality, Theories of Personality, and the Social and Personality Laboratory. Dr. Monat's professional interests include personality processes, computer applications in education, and relationships between stress, coping and illness.
Robert Moulton: A.B., 1952, M.A., 1954, Ph.D. 1957, University of Michigan; Emeritus, 1986. Dr. Moulton, a very reasonable, kind, and witty man, taught primarily in the areas Abnormal Psychology and Personality. A popular teacher, in the early 1970s he helped the students start the Black Psychology Student Association, which provided an important transitional structure during that time of rapid social change. His research was in Achievement Motivation. He was the first Emeritus Professor in the department. He passed away in 2000.
Allan Netick: B.A., 1958, Reed College; M.A., 1963, U.C. Berkeley; Ph.D., 1968, University of New Mexico; Emeritus, 1997. Dr. Netick is an experimental psychologist who specialized in both the physiology of sleep and breathing, and in memory, bringing his special computer expertise to bear on problems of designing and monitoring research. He was Chair of the Department from 1989 until 1995. He resides in Berkeley.
Michael Patch: B. A., 1966, Occidental College; M.A., 1967, Ph.D., 1971, U.C.L.A.Dr. Patch is an observer of human nature by profession (social psychologist). He spends much of his time thinking about everyday human interaction. In fact, he says that he has always felt a certain kinship with comedian Jerry Seinfeld. "I may not be very funny," he says, "but I do pay close attention to how people are regulated by subtle and generally unspoken features of their social environment." He studies the various techniques and strategies that we use to get people to do things they hadn't planned on doing and the communication processes that serve to form and manage important relationships. Courses he offers include: Social Psychology, Interpersonal Processes, Social Influence and Change, and Social and Personality Lab.
William L. Sawrey: A.B., 1949, Indiana University; Ph.D., 1952, University of Nebraska; Emeritus, 1990. Dr. Sawrey was the founder of both the Department of Psychology and the Department of Statistics and was jointly appointed to these departments. He was Chair of the Department of Psychology from its beginnings until 1966 and again from 1982 until 1989. Dr. Sawrey's research interests included heredity and behavior, ethology, behavioral causes of ulcers, attachment behavior and avoidance conditioning. He lived in Half Moon Bay where it was easy to do ethological observation (of marine animals and birds as well as of his grandchildren). Dr. Sawrey passed away in 2013.
Ronald Schusterman: B.A., 1954, Brooklyn College; M.A., 1958, Ph.D., 1961, Florida State University; Emeritus, 1994. Dr. Schusterman specialized in the study of marine mammals. (He consulted at such places as Marine World, and taught lab courses at zoos among other places!) His special interests included animal cognition, animal sonar systems, animal communication, primatology, and sociobiology. He resided in New York and the Bay Area. Dr. Schusterman passed away in 2010.
Joan Sieber: B.S., 1962, M.A., 1964, Ph.D., 1966, University of Delaware; Emerita, 2000. Dr. Sieber taught at Stanford University from 1966 until she joined our Department in 1970. She also spent a year as a visiting research scholar at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University. Dr. Sieber is a social psychologist and a walking example of how career plans change. In the 1960s she started her career doing laboratory research on decision making, but found that lonely, and switched to field social research, where she learned that one can get in trouble with whole communities without trying. In 1973, she reformed and began to study how ethical issues (harmful, but unintended side effects) blind-side well-meaning scientists (such as herself). Most of her career has been spent studying processes like (un)informed consent, invasion of privacy, data sharing, whistleblowing, and a host of other ways social scientists get into trouble. She has chaired several Research Ethics Committees, at the University, in industry, and on hospital, State, and national ethics committees. She currently resides in Hayward, and continues to her work on ethics.
Wiley Clem Small: B.S., 1959, M.Ed., 1959, M.A., 1965, Ph.D., 1970, University of Missouri; Emeritus, 1986. Dr. Small is an experimental psychologist who worked in the areas of conditioning and learning, and behavior modification. He was the first adviser of the Psychology Club. He now resides and makes music in Montana.
Gene Steinhauer: B.A., 1972, M.A., 1974, CSU, Fresno; Ph.D., 1977, University of Montana; Emeritus, 2006. Dr. Steinhauer taught at CSU Fresno, and developed his own consulting business before coming to this University in 1987, and joining the psychology faculty as a regular member in 1990. Dr. Steinhauer's special interests in psychology included the analysis of operant schedule performance, and computer simulation of conditioning processes in simple and complex environments-especially conditioning simulations of concept learning. He passed away in 2007.
Arnold Stoper: B.A., 1958, University of Illinois; Ph.D., 1967, Brandeis University, Emeritus, 2007. Dr. Stoper was an NIMH Post-doctoral fellow at M.I.T. in the Artificial Intelligence Group (1967-68) then came to CSUH in 1968. Dr. Stoper is retired, but he will be teaching for several more years. He and his students are likely to be found in his perception lab, next to his office; otherwise, Dr. Stoper might be found at NASA (Moffett Field) where he is engaged in research on the role of gravity in visual perception. His interests also include auditory and visual perception, and computers and their ever-expanding uses in psychology, as well as consciousness and personal growth. Courses offered by Dr. Stoper include General Psychology, Personal Growth and Effective Behavior, Sensation and Perception, Sensation and Perception Lab, and Computer Applications in Industrial Psychology. Dr. Stoper's interest in visual illusions makes for great demonstrations and Science Festival activities.
Donald J. Strong: B.A., 1950, Houghton College; M.A., 1951, University of Michigan; Ph.D., 1959, University of Denver; Emeritus, 1989. Dr. Strong combined several interests to create a satisfying career. He was the founding director of the University's Counseling Center, where he worked as a counseling psychologist for many years while teaching courses in Personality, Abnormal Psychology, and Psychotherapy in the Psychology Department. He did cross-cultural research at a Navajo reservation. Working with other departments, he created a Certificate in Biofeedback. He served for 12 years as a sports psychology consultant to the U. S. Olympic Development Committee for Women's Track and Field, and also served as a consultant for the AAU Synchronized Swimming Committee. He is the author of The Fine Tuning Model for working with athletes, and also published in the area of self concept. He lived most recently in Fremont. Dr. Strong passed away in 2013.