Emergency Preparedness

The safety of students living in the residence halls is an extremely important responsibility. In an emergency, Residence Life staff have been provided with the training, equipment, and other resources that enable them to carry out their assigned responsibilities under the University’s and our Department’s emergency procedures. Residence hall students have important responsibilities, too – to make plans as recommended for communicating with family, friends, and roommates in an emergency, to know and be prepared to respond to the University’s emergency procedures, and to keep a fresh supply of certain provisions and supplies on hand. Below you will find the Emergency Preparedness Guide for the Residence Halls, the University, and a couple of training videos.

University Housing Emergency Procedures:

Click Here for University Housing Emergency Procedures

University Emergency Management Plan:

Click Here to visit the Emergency Management Plan

Evacuation Chair Training Video

Violent Intruder Training Video:

911±¬ÁÏÍøState University Version

Police Agency Version