Foreign Travel

All faculty, students, and staff traveling internationally on University business are required to use the 911±¬ÁÏÍø Risk Management Authority (CSURMA) Foreign Travel Insurance Program (FTIP).

FTIP covers accident & sickness (including medical coverage), general liability, excess auto liability, foreign workers' compensation, and executive assistance (including legal assistance, embassy/consular contacts and assistance in replacing lost documents).

Insurance must be requested at least 45 days in advance of travel.
To request foreign travel insurance, send an email with name of traveler, department, reason for travel, travel destination(s), dates of travel, and the chartfield for premium to:
Risk Management at 

Please note that premiums for each traveler are recharged to appropriate department. Appropriate university approvals must be in place before insurance may be authorized.

Approval for international travel on university business requires the approval of the Provost's Office at least 45 days in advance. To request approval, follow established departmental procedures. The complete CSU travel policy may be found at 

Travel to High Hazard countries must comply with the . Travelers must contact Risk Management (SA1600) at least 45 days prior to travel.

Travelers are advised to check the  website and Systemwide Risk Management High Hazard Country list for the most current high hazard international travel warning information. Risk Management also maintains a current list of countries either currently affected by war or at risk of war. Both lists are subject to change.

 Insurance premiums:

  • Faculty/Staff/student trips up to 15 days, $60
  • Faculty/Staff/student trips up to 31 days, $75
  • Trips of more than 30 days in length require insurance underwriter approval
  • Additional premium for travel to High Hazard Country

It is recommended that all employees traveling internationally sign up for the State Department's Safe Traveler Eenrollment Pprogram (STEP). This system provides information to travelers should conditions in the foreign country change and can assist  in an emergency. The on-line enrollment site is at .